Our team
Dr. Sabine Christiane Rauch (med.)

After studying medicine in Mainz and Berlin and the practical year in Gießen, I started my first job as an ÄiP in gynecology and obstetrics at St. Vincenz Hospital in Limburg in November 1990. In the following years I worked in various departments (internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics) and in various hospitals, before I passed my specialist examination in general medicine in 1996 and in 1997 I settled in a joint practice with statutory health insurance doctors in the Westerwald.
Since 1994 I have been involved in naturopathy alongside my conventional medical training. The reason for this was that I wanted to offer my patients more than just symptomatic or suppressive treatment, which unfortunately is often accompanied by more or less severe side effects. I wanted to track down the causes of illnesses and get to know therapies that are gentler and less stressful than many of the usual methods of conventional medicine. On the other hand, I wanted to offer my patients the greatest possible degree of safety and quality. However, this is only possible if you deal intensively with different methods. In the years that followed I did intensive training and acquired a total of 4 additional medical qualifications: chiropractic, naturopathic, acupuncture and homeopathy.
In 2000 I set up my own private medical practice in Limburg / Lahn and pursued an integrative concept there by using both conventional and complementary medical diagnostics and therapy. Each patient was viewed as an individual and thus treated individually.
From 2004 I also have BICOM®- Bioresonance introduced in my practice. This method gave me the opportunity to introduce a completely new perspective on medicine. When using BICOM®- The patient becomes bioresonance from an energetic point of view
diagnosed and treated. This is where BICOM works®- Regulating treatment and supporting the organism's self-healing powers. Read more about this under the heading BICOM®-Bioresonance.
In 2013 I gave up my practice in Germany in order to develop myself personally and have been mainly teaching since then. For this reason, the SR holistic therapy education GmbH was founded, and I have been its managing director since the beginning. The Company
deals with training in holistic medical therapy procedures.
I have been working internationally as a seminar leader and trainer in Germany and 16 other countries since 2006. A close cooperation with the REGUMED company was established® for which I also work in an advisory capacity. You can find more information about the seminars and online training courses under the heading Seminars and training.
In the last few years I have mainly worked on developing a concept for prevention. The training as a Life Cooperation Coach is based on this concept. The latest scientific findings from quantum physics, epigenetics and psychosynthesis are combined with knowledge from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine.
This prevention approach includes health coaching with lifestyle changes in the physical, emotional and mental areas. You can find more information on this under the heading Life Cooperation Coach ©.
My philosophy as a doctor and health coach
Together with my patients, I would like to track down the causes of diseases. These causes can be on different levels. It is important not only to eliminate the causes and regulate the immune system and self-healing powers
to have an effect, but also to work preventively through lifestyle changes.
In most cases, health or illness does not depend on our genetics, but on our environment. That means we are not victims of our genes, but can largely decide ourselves about our health and fate.
However, this requires our cooperation and lifestyle changes in order to create a healthy environment and thus the prerequisite for healing. A healthy environment does not only consist of a healthy diet, sleep, coping with stress, sufficient exercise, avoidance of toxins and drugs, but also a healthy world of emotions and thoughts.
Therefore, for me, coaching is part of holistic treatment and prevention in these areas too. Together with my husband, I am happy to pass this knowledge on to therapists all over the world.

- 5 years as a civil engineer
- 10 years as managing director of a SPA and fitness studio
- 22 years as a therapist using the BICOM bioresonance method
- 33 years of practical training through active work on people